

Another area which helps us to define and shape your personality is Social Etiquettes. Oxford dictionary defines it as ‘the customary code of polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession or group.’  Etiquette when defined most simply means respect, good manners, and good behaviour we project in our social settings be it office, friends or family. It is not just each of these things, but it is all of these things rolled into one. For the purposes of this unit, we will focus on two major areas of business etiquette: Work and telephone.

Work /Office Etiquette 

These days office is the place where we spent more waking hours of a day as compared to our home .Office environment and office people have become a vital part of our life and shape our success in life. It has become imperative to treat our office people and office environment a notch better than family. The following principles given by Myrna Hoover in her work Using Proper Etiquette can be utilized by office employees to show proper etiquette; they include all aspects of the work environment. 
1. Be timely: To be punctual at work and meetings is an important attribute of one’s personality. It shows that you value other’s time. Also one should complete work assignments on time. 
2. Be polite: pleasant, and courteous. Treat others the way you want to be treated. 
3. Learn office politics: One should understand the story of office and role played by different employees. Utilize effective listening skills to discover appropriate office behaviour. Pay attention to the way things are done.
4. Understand the four unwritten rules of business:
·         The Boss is the Boss: right or wrong, the boss always has the last word.
·         Keep the boss informed. Good or bad, you don’t want the boss to  listen  information mentioned from an inappropriate source.
·         Never go over the boss’ head without telling him or her first. 
·         Make your boss look good. Promotion and opportunities arise when you help the organization reach its goals.  
5. Adopt a can-do attitude. This highlights the positivity of your personality. Those who accept challenges as opportunity can display creativity and become valuable.  
6. Be flexible. Not necessary that everything that happens in the office is liked and accepted by you .Sometimes you can have a difference of opinion about a change but at that time should have flexibility. By remaining flexible and implementing change, you gain a reputation as a cooperative employee. 
7. Give credit to everyone who made a contribution to a project or event. In this way you earn good reputation and at the same time you will also enjoy credit by others. 
8. Do not differentiate people by position or standing in a company.

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